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Thriving Without Fear: How To Approach Self-Discovery Holistically

Have you ever stood at the precipice of change, akin to the peak of a roller coaster, scared yet eager for the rush of the descent? This tale echoes my growth journey and the halcyon days with my incredible mother, who was the embodiment of mindfulness and mindfulness techniques.

“One of my favorite memories with Aunt Ruth was when she forced me to go on Everest at Disney during cousin camp and now it is my favorite ride. She always pushed me out of my comfort zone at the best times.”

*I’ve asked friends and family to submit their favorite memories of my mom to keep her soul alive as I navigate grief. Read more to learn about lessons I’ve learned from grief.*

Have you ever stood at the precipice of change, akin to the peak of a roller coaster, scared yet eager for the rush of the descent?

This tale echoes my growth journey and the halcyon days with my incredible mother, who was the embodiment of mindfulness and mindfulness techniques.

From my earliest days, I struggled with the paralyzing fear of uncertainty, especially when it came to roller coasters. The anticipation during the line queue was excruciating, yet nothing matched the exhilaration and mental clarity I felt after conquering that fear.

Those who know me may recall how timid I once was, tears streaming in fearful resistance before every ride. With my mother’s gentle coaxing, I discovered the joy of embracing the thrill, a powerful initiation into the world of relaxation techniques and facing anxieties.

The abrupt loss of my mother catapulted me into adulthood, compelling a deep self-discovery path where I needed to become my own advocate, embracing holistic health practices.

There were no longer comforting nudges motivating me to skydive at 15,000ft or to explore the serenity below ocean waves. Instead, forging bonds with strangers and seeking new friendships became acts of intentional wellness and personal growth.

Self-awareness blossomed from these solo ventures, grounding me in a reality where life’s impermanence was palpable. In 2017, I spoke before an audience of 6,000 people, sharing intimate reflections inspired by my mother’s battle with cancer—a painful reminder of life’s fragility:

“My entire perspective changed when I truly understood the reality of death and what death


It means you don’t exist anymore

What I felt was the clock ticking. The end is inevitable. For myself, for my mother, for you, for

all of us

We are not created to just exist. We were created to live. To feel alive.

We are scared to live, yet we are scared to die.

How does this juxtaposition make any sense?

Living requires that we aren’t afraid. We can’t be “scared” to overcome an obstacle that stands

in our way. We can’t be scared to make a mistake, scared to make a fool of ourselves.

If you’re scared to die, then live. Every moment that you hesitate, you are dying…”

That speech, reminiscent of the words I shared at my high school graduation,

underscored a visceral understanding of death’s finality and a powerful call to live wholly and without reservations.

My mother’s legacy ignited an urgency within me to savor life’s every opportunity—a personal growth journey toward holistic well-being.

This stark awareness embedded in me that to live means to engage actively in the present, even if it includes navigating through grief and sorrow.

Life is much like a roller coaster—filled with emotional peaks and valleys. Yet, it is our response to these experiences that shape our wellness path, leading to enriched lives despite knowing that each tick of our biological clock inches us closer to the end.

“Aunt Ruth”, in her adventuresome zest for life, understood this dynamic deeply. Her holistic health practices and indomitable spirit were as contagious as they were enlightening. She exemplified living fully—a risk-taker whose daring choices served as vivid lessons in resilience and a beacon of positivity.

It’s this infectious spirit and the ardent desire to imbue others with strength that I now wish to share with you through mindful contemplation and techniques. 

As we stride forward on our personal growth journeys, the imprints of those who inspire us remain everlasting, urging us to seek mental clarity and fulfillment in the beautiful, intricate dance of life.

Challenge Yourself:
  1. Write a list of your fears, big or small. Choose one and confront it this week. Are you afraid of heights? Plan a day hike with a friend and climb a mountain (safety first, of course). How do you feel afterward? 
  2. When was the last time you tried a new cuisine or dish?
  3. When was the last time that you tried to join a new workout class, or visited a new city? Challenge yourself to step beyond the comfort zone, just as my mom encouraged me to do.