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Unleash Your Inner Confidence – How to Cultivate & Improve a Self-Assured Mindset

Ah, confidence–a single, emotional word that often fuels my late-night musings.

Is it an innate trait? Or is it something we cultivate and improve over time, fluctuating with the highs and lows of life’s metaphorical tsunamis?

A cherished friend once conveyed a memory that left me pondering my own self-assurance. Often, as I find myself reflecting upon my future aspirations—the audacious objectives I seek to fulfill, the ambitious endeavors I aspire to actualize—I must admit, I regularly find myself scouting for a jolt of confidence to commence the expedition.

…On the same vein, and I don’t know if you’ll even remember this at all, but one time she took us to the Devon horse show after I had just started showing in real shows (not just Bridge Acres). I was trying on show pants in one of the stores and texting my mom to see if I would be allowed to get anything, and your mom told me to put my phone away and just pick whatever pair I liked best and then she bought them for me. Sounds trivial but just having those “real” show pants made me feel so much more confident when I ended up showing and I still have them to this day and wear them any time I need an extra confidence boost in the ring…

Does this sentiment echo within you too?

  • Imagine having the kind of confidence that would inspire you to approach the handsome stranger at the bar.
  • To express your feelings assertively when a friend’s negative remarks bring you down. 
  • To reach out to your dream company. 
  • Envision having enough confidence to quit a job that drains you, to start monetizing your passion.
  • Or to dare to embark on an unplanned solo journey to Italy. 

Aren’t these the kinds of situations where we wish we were more of a go-getter, the ‘I don’t care what others will think’ kind of person?

My mother was a beacon of self-assuredness. Her infectious confidence is the foundation of inspiration of starting this blog. 

But how can I unearth that level of self-assurance within myself?

As I revisit the memories of my mother shared by others, I recall countless instances where she would fearlessly navigate through life without worrying about others’ perceptions. She had an innate ability to live in the moment, making the best decisions according to her instincts.

Take the above as the perfect example. 

She understood the power of fashion in bolstering a young woman’s confidence–something she passed on to me.

This makes me wonder: Can confidence be contagious?

Can it be shared and absorbed from one person to another? Or is it purely an internal discovery, something only I can unearth within myself?

I like to think of confidence as the sand beneath our toes, shaped and molded by the tide of life. At times, it’s buried deep within us during moments of uncertainty, and at others, it surfaces when we take a leap of faith. Confidence isn’t merely a trait we possess; it’s a state we create, the foundation built from our past experiences.

Challenge Yourself:
  1. What’s that one outfit in your wardrobe that makes you feel invincible? Go ahead, put it on.
  2. List out everything you didn’t get done in the last two days and question what’s holding you back. 
  3. Do you have a friend who needs an extra boost? Consider what might encourage them and act on it. Remember, everyone needs a little confidence boost now and then.